Your ripples matter - Inner Compass - The SpArc

Inner Compass Coaching

If you yearn to unlock that sense of profound wonder & appreciation for life’s great journey – and to accelerate along your path of self-realization– I am here to fan your inner ember. Many hear the call toward intense evolutionary growth. Few choose to capture that SpArc and share that precious fire with the world. It’s time to embrace your life mission with resounding power & purpose. Grounded in your service. Devoted to your path. Prolific in your impact.

Your ripples matter.
Discover what you’re capable of.

Ehren brings a lot to the table... I've had essential experiences of learning, growth and healing under his guidance and care, opening the doorway to greater freedom, authenticity and meaning. How does one quantify the value of this? I truly don't know. What I do know is my work with Ehren feels like a blessing.. and my life has forever changed because of it.

Psychedelic Facilitation

Experience the life transformative potential of a plant medicine journey in an integral facilitation framework. Adhering to Harm Reduction Principles within an authentic spiritual ceremonial container, this path allows for an integral plant medicine immersion in a safe & legal setting.

Medicine Journeys - The SpArc

Ehren is a masterful guide for those who seek deeply meaningful transformative experiences. His structured approach creates the best possible opportunity for you to safely push the bounds of what you think you are to discover who you truly are.

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