A 15 Year Sacramental Psychedelic Odyssey

At the cusp of obtaining a Master’s Degree in Latin American History as a PHD Fellow at Ohio State University in the Summer of 2008, Ehren Cruz experienced a powerful transformative experience that would change his life forever.  Brought on by the ingestion of the LSD during a music festival, the mind expanding compound led to a full cessation of individuated consciousness, dissolving perception into a state of universal awareness & interconnection.  All was one, All was love and All was aware, alive & interdependent of one another.  Both inexplicably terrifying and blissful in equal measure, the intensity of the experience resulted in an immense shift in perception that would radically altar the trajectory of his life.

Among the countless realizations that transpired from the experience, four trajectories were firmly decided upon.  The first was leaving his Graduate program two months away from completion of his Master’s thesis, as it became alarmingly clear his heart’s passion lied in the fostering of contemporary culture not piecing together fragments of the past. 

Secondly, he proposed to his then girlfriend now wife of fifteen years, whose compassionate heart supporting full psychedelic and kundalini spiritual emergency was a gift beyond compare. The third was a decision to pursue a path producing festivals filled with radical creative expression and mission-centric community building – eventually becoming an award winning festival director grossing over $100M in net regional income in events. And lastly, Ehren decided to devote his life to the study and practice of ancient spiritual rites of passage traditions utilizing the sacramental use of entheogenics to unveil a road map of inner discovery to support the growth of others who choose to walk the path of initiation.  The resulting journey culminating in a now 16 year devotional practice into the heart of the Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Lakota Soux Ceremonial Tradition.

For over a decade, Ehren dedicated his life to the creation of experiences that ignite the mind, inspire the heart, and empower our communities. From reimagining organizational culture to transforming the face of festivals & events, his success is rooted in the fostering of environments that welcome and encourage self-actualization, team synergy, and inspired creative expression. Between 2009-2019, Ehren produced, curated, and served as Master of Ceremonies for events welcoming over 300K patrons, hailing from 80 different nations, including 5400+ performers, 3000+ individual shows, 1650+ workshops, and countless immersive experiences – setting a new bar for what’s possible when converging visionary art, music, culture, & spirit into the alchemy of intentional festival settings.

After a decade as an award-winning producer & high-performance team builder, netting over $100M in gross regional income through festivals & events, in early 2021 Ehren founded The SpArc: A groundbreaking coaching approach that utilizes rites of passage plant medicine experiences and carefully sculpted arcs of embodiment to heal, elevate awareness and actualize life mission & impact.

Ehren received a full profile in the national media publication the Assembly, has been featured in Psychedelics Today and in nationally syndicated podcasts including Third Wave, Innovative Leadership Institute and TrueLife for his expertise as a psychedelic coach, educator and ceremonial facilitator. He is currently serving as Teaching Faculty at the Psychedelic Coaching Institute. He is a board member of the prestigious Pearl Psychedelic Institute and a founding member of the Asheville Psychedelic Society.

In the Fall of 2024, the SpArc will be launching the “Communitas Sanctuary” retreat center. Located just 20 min north of Asheville, NC on 11 acres of pristine mountain forest, the Communitas Sanctuary will form an epicenter for Rites of Passage ceremonial work with boutique lodging for 20 anchored by a masterfully curated temple space.

Ehren Cruz is an Anthropologist, CTA & ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), a Third Wave Psychedelic Coaching Institute Certified Coach (CCP1), Master Ceremonialist, certified Harm Reductionist, Loving Husband & Proud Father of 3 Little Ladies. He is devoted to the healing, personal growth and service in all facets of his life.

Family Photo - Meet The Founder - Ehren Cruz - The SpArc

Listen to Ehren share his story and process in these Nationally syndicated podcasts:

"Through the use of EQ enhancing tools, daily methods of passion & mission distillation, and the encouragement of radical authenticity, I lead clients into powerful states of self-discovery. Together lets unlock the full spectrum of untapped potential and grit that lives within you - to create a positive impact on everyone you touch ."

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