Interested in exploring a transformational coaching program or a facilitated medicine journey experience?
Learn what past clients are saying about their experience with The SpArc!

Leslie Pariseau

Leslie Pariseau

( Writer / Entrepreneur )

In three words, Ehren changed my life. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t reflect upon the journey Ehren helped me to undertake and the guidance he provided…

In seeking out his wisdom, I was looking for space in my life, my heart, and my brain that I knew was available but didn’t know how to find alone. Though I had no hesitation or fear in going on the journey, his support, reassurance, and spirit made the whole process feel safe, beautiful, and necessary. There was never a moment that I questioned what might happen or if everything would be okay—his preparation and steadiness made every moment exactly as it should be. What I experienced in Asheville in Ehren’s ceremony space was world-altering. I spoke to my ancestors, I felt what it was like to be born again, I felt myself come home to myself. There is nothing bigger than coming home, because when you know you’re home, you have the clarity, space, and strength to provide home for everyone around you. I am a better mother, partner, leader, and friend because I know that I am always at home with myself. Ehren helped me discover something profound—a gift I hope every single person in this world has the opportunity to find. 

anthony pappas

Anthony Pappas

(Senior Designer & Entrepreneur)

My journey alongside Ehren has been an utterly transformative and profoundly rewarding experience. It’s hard to put into words just how much he has touched my life. Ehren possesses a unique gift …

 he can provide the guidance and structure needed to navigate the darkest of times, yet he also has the wisdom to allow room for personal growth and discovery. His unwavering dedication to his students is nothing short of inspiring. The knowledge that you’re never alone on this journey is a feeling that defies description, and the connections formed along the way are eternal.

Attempting to convey the extent of the healing and personal growth I’ve experienced with Ehren is a challenge, but I’ll attempt to do justice to it with words. When I first met Ehren, I was engulfed in darkness, a lifeless place, desperately seeking not only help for myself but also my family. Today, after a year-long engagement with him, I find inspiration for the future, and I’ve finally found peace with myself. I firmly believe that I wouldn’t be where I am now without Ehren’s exceptional ability to discern what I needed and precisely when I needed it. I am here, fully present, and I remember.

Julie P.

Julie P. W

 (Pisgah Forest, NC)

Working with Ehren has been profoundly helpful in ways I did not expect. Every session was a special treat, changed the whole vibe of my day and felt extremely supportive whatever the place I was in at that time.

I understood on the long run that all the practices we tailored together and that I implemented daily would contribute to a whole new sense of balance, self-appreciation and self-respect, while life presented challenges that I would have felt unable to go through in the past and still preserve my mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health.

I am very grateful to have crossed path with Ehren and thankful for the care that he has been providing during the Journey, but also during his coaching offerings. It has only been 7 months since the Journey and yet my life has changed TREMENDOUSLY for the better (and the way my brain works too!). I don’t have the words to describe how powerful and fascinating this path has been so far. If you feel ready to take the leap, I could only recommend Ehren for his unique and holistic approach that honors every single human here. Thank you again, brother !

Testimonials - Rokki - The SpArc


(Coach & Social Entrepreneur)

My SpArc experience was life-changing. I felt like I went through a rebirth, with Ehren as my doula. The careful way he explained the process was done with such reverence. My spirit felt right at home, at his beautiful home nestled in the breathtaking mountains of Asheville…

The setting was perfect, full moon and all. He was a loving guide on my journey and provided all the right tools at the right time for my experience. His devotion to the plant’s healing practice and professionalism allowed me to trust him and the process.

I can’t remember the last time I could truly let my guard down and feel free!  This was far from transactional; this was Transformational. My rebirth was laboring and well worth it. I AM here now! Present on my journey to Self Actualization!


AM, Charlotte

(International Personal Trainer 

& Coach)

I worked with Ehren for an immersion experience at a much-needed time in my life. I was navigating uncertainty and holding on to heightened personal expectations and the perceived expectations of those around me. I was making decisions out of fear and the need to please others…

and I needed something that would nudge my ego to take a backseat so my subconscious could have a more powerful voice. My journey wasn’t pretty, but it was enlightening, and it spoke to how much I was holding on to old stories and overwhelming expectations. Thanks to Ehren’s compassion and guidance, I was able to trust in the process, the medicine, and the journey. From start to finish, Ehren was informative, non-judgmental, and highly skilled. While my experience didn’t provide an overnight transformation, it reminded me of how vital it is for me to follow my inner compass, to lead with more personal compassion, and to be more intentional in how I move forward. 

Testimonials - Clara Morelli - The SpArc

Carla Morelli

(Principal, Blue Chair Advisory)

“Ehren is a masterful guide for those who seek deeply meaningful transformative experiences. His structured approach creates the best possible opportunity for you to safely push the bounds of what …

you think you are to discover who you truly are. Follow his process and you will not come up short on your journey. Ehren can guide, walk alongside or simply hold space as you go. Quite often, he is doing all three, with an incredible ease and grace that comes from intuition and a profound sense of inner awareness. I am indebted to his deep commitment to not only my own personal expansion, but to all who hold the great opportunity to be touched by his gifted work.”

Testimonials - Maureen Metcalf, MBA - The SpArc

Maureen Metcalf, MBA

(Founder, Innovative Leadership Institute)

“Ehren facilitated a rite of passage for me. His process was very comprehensive, meetings in advance for preparation, conducting the ceremony …

then structuring a follow-up protocol. His knowledge, care, and extensive research and skill created an event that exceeded my expectations and will have a lasting impact on my development. I appreciate Ehren’s skills, professionalism, and deep care for his clients and partners.”

Joe Brutzman

(General Contractor)

I was fortunate enough to have Ehren as my guide in December 2022. His enthusiasm and confidence in doing transformational work was apparent from our first online meeting. He quickly gained my trust and I felt safe telling him my story and why I wanted to try using psychedelics as part of my treatment for depression, anxiety and addiction issues. 

Ehren showed great respect for where I was at and continued to share his extensive knowledge and experience throughout the journey.
Ehren handled all the aspects of my trip, and the integration process before, during, and after was very professionally done. He is organized, follows up well, had an itinerary for me, and made all the moving parts of my trip smooth so I could focus on the actual experience once I got there. I would say that Ehren can meet you successfully wherever you are on your individual path using psychedelics or not. He pulls from a wide range of ancient beliefs and traditions and he is a very gifted communicator. I could listen to this guy talk for hours! He brought such energy and power to my entire experience. He is in my opinion a true spiritual healer, and all my best goes out to you on your own Path.

Derek Crawford

Derek Crawford,

(Professional Drummer )

My journey started long before I arrived at the sanctuary. Once I began to seek help through a medicine journey, the road toward healing began to unfold before me – that road led me to The SpArc. Suffering with Depression for over two decades …

I was holding feelings of pain and low self-worth from a very young age. I curated these feeling into a false agreement of who I was. I’d convinced myself that no matter what success I achieved, I would never truly have real worth and would have to carry the weight of that low-self opinion for the rest of my life. I was not in a good place.

First meeting Ehren, I was immediately aware of his spirit, his focus, his respect, his compassion for others and his passion for his work. I felt encouraged, accepted and safe all through our initial introduction and our preparations leading up to my journey.

The setting was beautiful and full of energy. The natural surroundings made it easy to settle in and feel comfortable, relaxed, energized and empowered. The journey was mine to take on my own, but Ehren was a powerful ally. He knew the way, keeping me grounded and reassured that I was not alone. He was ever-present and compassionate. I was finally able to dig deep into the dark corners that I hadn’t been able to confront in conventional talk therapy. I could lean into my own power and reclaim my “Self.”

I have found my new ground. I healed my heart and began to start down a new path. My old ruts are gone, my breath is renewed. My heart is strong and has been opened back up to life.



(Educator from North Carolina)

I have dealt with depression for most of my life, and I came to a point where I knew I needed to try something drastically different. The antidepressants and therapy were only keeping my head above the water. I was desperate to change the patterns… 

I’d repeated for 20+ years, knowing I want to go into the next 20, 40 years healthier and more grounded. So after lots of research on my own, I decided to try a psychedelic immersion. Sparc’s website was a place where I found such great resources, so I set up a consultation with Ehren. In that 30 minute conversation, I was convinced he’d be the right fit for me. I’d interviewed a few other facilitators, but Ehren’s empathic understanding, depth of knowledge, and humility to allow the experience to be my own set him apart. Our meetings before my immersion provided me an understanding of the philosophies and science behind using plant medicine for personal transformation for my mental health. He sent me additional articles to help answer questions I brought up, specifically as I was navigating how best to manage the antidepressants I was prescribed and the experience. I chose to lower the dosage of my SSRIs leading up to my immersion, and that immediately started some shifts in me that brought more depth to the preparation I was doing with the prompts Ehren provided for my intention setting.

For me, the immersion was a literal rebirth. Me as both a child and mother. Each contraction was a retelling of my life, in a familiar pattern-just like birth contractions. Each contraction brought me to a deeper layer, and an earlier generation. In the end, I didn’t feel like an immediate new person, I felt like an infant, and that has aligned with where I am in my life journey. Going back generations gave me a deep sense of compassion for my mother and grandmother and all mothers, and allowed me to see and resolve to break patterns. I saw clearly the light within me and heard/felt/saw a deep support network at different times in my life reminding me that I can listen to my own wisdom. There was also deep grief for my father who had passed, archetypes that made me feel connected to the entirety of humanity, forgiveness for myself, and resolve to follow my light for my own children.

Since my immersion, some patterns immediately fell away and some new ones have emerged. I also stopped taking antidepressants and antianxiety medications. A month after, my world was rocked and I have consistently leaned into the realizations that came during my immersion: my light, my resolve, my wisdom. I’ve purposefully reached out to the many supports that appeared and am actively leaning on them in this hard time, and being open about why. Daily I remember what I’ve learned, and keep finding new pieces of insight. Ehren’s presence during, his reflections shared after, and our follow up sessions have really helped this crystalize for me. My immersion with plant medicine and with Ehren as a guide has been a key component of my life journey, especially as I’m in a tough part of it. I see myself returning to it again.

Audrey Green

Audrey Green

(Executive Coach)

My journey experience with Ehren Cruz at The SPARC was extraordinary. I am a coach, a yoga instructor and a grandmother. My hope of experiencing deep consciousness and expanded awareness was fully achieved. With Ehren’s expert and gifted guidance…

 my plant medicine journey experience was visceral and deeply spiritual. The integration of this experience into my life and relationships has been profoundly rewarding.

Seth Carpenter

Seth Carpenter

(Senior Systems Engineer, Chicago, IL)

Ehren was a fantastic choice for my first psychedelic experience. From our first meeting, his energy, enthusiasm, and positivity were apparent. I didn’t know quite what to expect going into the journey itself, but …

Ehren made sure I was comfortable and at ease. 


Ehren’s facilities are top notch and enhance the experience utilizing sight, smell, and sound. I had a memorable experience and plan to attend another event where Ehren is a facilitator. I highly recommend exploring what he has to offer

Testimonials - Marry S - The SpArc

Mary S

(RN & Director of Client Care)

“I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to my psilocybin facilitator Ehren Cruz. I have been researching my journey for close to 5 years and was came upon Psychedelic Passage. 

I realize everyone’s journey is profoundly personal, and I can only speak to my own, but I am absolutely convinced that I was blessed with the most positive and joyously compelling trip because of Ehren. I knew from the instant we connected through our first video call that his energy, compassion and knowledge were brimming! My incredible journey was at his breathtaking home in the mountains of Asheville, NC. (which includes a stay at his gorgeous AirBnB) I realize there are many ways to experience such a journey, but I believe the spiritual aspects, exquisitely layered in by Ehren, were necessary for my personal journey.

I cannot recommend this experience more highly or enthusiastically. As a true testament, my husband who had no desire (more fear) to experience this, has seen what it has done for me, and is excited about planning his own journey. Brilliant, profound, exhilarating and potentially life-altering. Don’t wait!”

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Phil Donahue

(Retired Mechanic & Renaissance Man)

Deciding to take a psychedelic journey was a natural decision for me. My conscious existence is saturated with the reasons that anyone inclined to choose such an undertaking would do so.

I’ve survived through more than six decades, persevering even when such perseverance meant totally submitting to whatever illness or hardship beleaguered me. It has been a long hard lesson to have learned that help is not a bad thing.

I made the choice to take the journey, but to whom do I trust with such a momentous melding? It wasn’t luck that led my choice to seek Ehren Cruz as my guide and Medicine Man. It was purely providence generated by my sincere desire, and Ehren’s genuine nature.

Naturally trepidation cycled, waxing and waining as the gravity of the commitment orbited ever closer to reality. But in the weeks prior to our meeting, as Ehren and I spoke, I came to understand and trust in his abilities and sincerity of duty. I knew these were the basic attributes to help my journey unfold to its most beneficial potential. As soon as we met face to face I knew I had chosen from the wisdom of my heart and that my shared time with him would be safe, genuine, and profound.

I won’t elaborate on my personal journey because each journey must certainly be as varied as each of our lives is unique. I can however speak of the substantial, heartfelt understandings my mind has ascertained in the afterglow of my journey. It is not an easy thing. It is not something to take lightly.

But with sincerity, and genuine intent I know on all levels that a more enduring and beautiful heart/mind connection can be awakened with a medicine man of great strength and humility. I feel so very fortunate to have been guided and to have bonded with Ehren on a level of spirituality. I know that he and I will always be sitting at the universal fire communing with the great spirit. I wish everyone to know my gratitude for Ehren’s caring, and empathetic wisdom. Without his gentle strength my journey would not have been so fruitful.

Clark Harris

(Age 41, Entrepreneur and family man )

To put it simply, Ehren’s program increased the overall quality of my life. I feel more connected to my true self/spirit and more aligned with my purpose than any time I can remember. 

Ehren’s passion and tender care throughout the experience allowed me to have complete trust in his process. I’ve had life coaches before but none brought that kind of authentic heart-based action to the relationship. 

Over the last 20 years, I have tried numerous programs, methodologies, and practices that fall into the “self-growth” category. Ehren’s SpArc Rite’s of passage Program accomplished more in the short 4 months than anything else I’ve tried. (It’s worth noting that many of these past experiences helped prepare me for the work I did with Ehren.) 

I plan to maintain an ongoing level of support from Ehren indefinitely. As a husband, father of 2 young children, business owner and entrepreneur; life manages to knock me off center far too often. It’s nice to know that I have a way home through Ehren when I lose sight of the path. 

Ashley Christudason

Ashley Christudason

(Visionary Artist, Educator – Singapore )

“Ehren is a fantastic listener and genuinely cares about your self betterment. He is invested in your overall growth as a person and wants the very best for you. You can feel it and hear it in his voice. 

His heart is in the right place. I felt so comfortable expressing my fears and negative traits to him. He helps create spaces with zero judgement and 100% compassion which allows for one to feel this comfort. Ehren contemplates your unique situation and becomes a heart-driven force to aid in your evolution. His sincerity shines brightly in his ability to provide creative techniques for self actualisation and the removal of negative habits. Ehren has an uncanny ability to bring out aspects of yourself that need to see the light. I believe his inherent goodness as an individual helps in this process. He is a core motivator of the soul and I would highly recommend him as a source of counsel.”

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Sue Kocher

(Retired Nurse, Asheville, NC )

From our first preparatory Zoom session, we were impressed with Ehren’s wisdom, compassionate demeanor, and his eloquence and clarity in explaining the concepts and “homework” that ..


would help us to be fully prepared for our journey together. He clearly has undertaken a great deal of study and education in psychology, as well as in the protocols for safe and effective psychedelic use.

Also, either he takes copious notes, or he has an elephant’s memory, or both—because he remembered and referred to our personal stories, habits, and interests that came up as we went through several prep sessions together. We later realized how he carefully used that information to customize a trip session that would help ensure the best “set and setting” for our mushroom experience.

Of course, Ehren was wonderful throughout the journey. He was supportive, insightful, and watchful, without interfering at all with our mental journeys. The serene and beautiful space he provided was perfect—as was the music he chose, and his own very intentional contributions with drums, gongs, crystals, and changing fragrances of herbs and incense.

As a person with a fair amount of psychedelics background, I can sum up my advice to both novice and experienced trippers who are looking to learn and grow through psychedelics: Don’t go it alone, or with friends. Find a skilled trip guide that can help you set your intentions, to embrace whatever appears in your consciousness in each moment, and lean in to the lessons that the medicine has for you. With a guide like Ehren, you are sure to emerged changed in positive ways, for life, and ready for further exploration.

I can recommend Ehren most highly to anyone who wants to explore their own conscious and unconscious awareness through psychedelic medicine and practice.

Joe Sommerich

Joe Sommerich


I would say to anyone who is considering a healing journey of expanded consciousness that first, a journeyer really should have a guide, and second, that guide must be kind, genuine, knowledgeable and experienced in all the facets of such work. Ehren Cruz is all of those things and more.

Many if not most of us have deep-seated issues and life-long struggles that we have been unsuccessful in resolving or surviving on our own or through more typical talk therapy. It should be recognized that far more is going on inside of us than we are aware of on a conscious level. We may struggle to put into words and thoughts exactly what is going on in there. Problems deep within us that seem pervasive and insurmountable are the very things that can hardly be articulated or explained in traditional therapy. How do we talk our way out of problems that rational thought had nothing to do with creating in the first place? How do we put into words the emotional and spiritual pain of unresolved trauma from our past? And yet those things have a way of hurting us long after the fact, and continue to affect every aspect of our lives, from our relationships with others and with ourselves to how we can live in this fractured world with anything like contentedness or satisfaction. How do we find the love that infuses all life with purpose and meaning?

Humans have explored states of expanded consciousness for millennia for healing and spiritual nourishment, for guidance on matters physical and emotional, and for creating and sustaining connections to others in the family and community and with the living earth. Through various techniques people can tap into the enormous power and resources found within our minds and souls. This can be extremely helpful and gratifying, but can also be deeply challenging and even terrifying. The use of plant medicines to allow us access to states of expanded consciousness has been around for many millennia. This was usually done under the care of a shaman or other guide to keep the journeyer safe and help them make sense of what is accessed. Unlike recreational tripping with friends at music shows or whatever, this can be really difficult and is not always pretty. A proper guide is essential for this work to have meaning and be integrated into all aspects of your life.

Ehren is exactly the kind of guide I needed for my own journey. With his expert guidance I was able to prepare myself extensively for what lay ahead. He made sure I understood what I was getting into and what things I needed to do to help me be as ready as possible so that the experience had meaning and would be appropriate for my own healing path. The place he had prepared for the journey itself was beautiful and comfortable and I knew when I arrived that I would be ok. A person undertaking such a journey is putting themselves into a very vulnerable place, and feeling completely safe and cared for is essential. The container he had created for me felt as safe as a mother’s womb. During my journey he was right there the whole time, playing just the right kind of music, using rattles and drums when appropriate and allowing me to completely surrender to the healing power of the medicine. No matter how difficult things got for me, I always knew he was there protecting me and holding the space. When I returned, we spoke a little and laughed some together, and it felt as if I had returned home after slogging through the cold rain and snow to find a cheerful fire on the hearth. I was staying that night at his very comfortable rental space in his home, and he prepared for me absolutely the most wonderful meal I have ever eaten.

The next day we had an integration session to help me put the pieces together and make a plan for how to get the most from what I had experienced. Another session a week later further helped to bring home what it all meant and how to use what I had learned in my life moving forward. The integration phase of the journey is extremely important and as with all the rest Ehren was skilled and impeccable. He has continued to support me in the time since my journey and be available with his wisdom and guidance. I feel that with his help I can actually heal from old wounds that have festered for so long. My work is not finished of course, that will literally take a lifetime, but I have made enormous progress and I can see the path ahead just a bit more clearly than before.

I feel so incredibly grateful for having found Ehren and that he is doing this kind of work. He is perfectly suited for it. If you are planning to undertake this kind of journey I highly recommend Ehren Cruz be your guide.

Testimonials - CW Retired Legal Counsil - The SpArc


(Retired Legal Council)

“Ehren Cruz helped me make an important transition to the next chapter of my life. In selecting a coach and guide for personal exploration and development…


my goal was to find a high integrity practitioner operating in a safe, nurturing environment. Ehren’s integrity, wisdom, kindness and mastery of this domain earned my trust early on and I knew I had found my practitioner. Each of my two journeys with Ehren was meaningful and totally safe, and each generated insights that have enhanced my enjoyment of life and helped to put me on a path to realizing my dharma. I attribute this success to Ehren’s guidance on journey preparation, his expertise in curating a journey for maximum benefit, and his skill in helping me, through integration and coaching, to process the insights from each journey. Having the opportunity to work with Ehren has been a blessing, and I would enthusiastically recommend his services to my dearest friends and loved ones.”

Testimonials - Leah Young - The SpArc

Leah Young

(Principle at Balanced Living, LLC )

“I appreciated Ehren’s intentional approach to supporting me through my recent psychedelic journey. His process of facilitation begins long before the actual medicine experience.

 He provided me with thought provoking exercises that helped me to prepare myself to make the most of this time of growth. I also appreciated his thorough explanation about the general arc of these kinds of experiences, as this helped me to feel more prepared going into my journey.

I am in awe of Ehren’s commitment to, and reverence for, a variety of spiritual paths. Along with his education and certifications, his path of expansion through a commitment to his own life work makes him uniquely qualified to support others’ in their individual paths towards greater joy and awakening. Throughout my psychedelic experience I felt safe, seen, loved and cared for by Ehren. I would highly recommend him to any family or friends that are looking to experience a powerful shift in their lives.”

Testimonials - M.J. Jiaras, PSY D - The SpArc

M.J. Jiaras, Psy D

(President, Integrated Coaching Solutions)

“I have the great pleasure of recommending Ehren. Not only is Ehren a knowledgeable and talented facilitator of experiences, he is deeply caring and a great guy! 

Ehren’s understanding of ceremony along as well as fostering a transformational space is impressive – and resulted in a deep and meaningful experience for me. I give the highest marks for Ehren and recommend him without any reservations – he’s fantastic!”

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Jon Pinner

(Asheville, NC)

“My journey with Ehren was something unexpected in the best way possible. Ehren’s knowledge and sincerity was perfect in every phase of the journey from the beginning discussions of the intent to the immersion and then to integration…

There are so many things I could say about Ehren’s grace, compassion and thoughtfulness. He took his time to explain the phases of the process and how to interact with every experience. He is genuine and his interest is fully committed to the service of each person’s journey. I am thankful to Ehren for sharing this time with me and guiding me. Below is a piece from my journal showing two of the many lessons learned that I am so excited to carry forward into my life.

After the deepest phase of the journey, it took awhile to summon the courage to turn and show my emotions openly. The will to turn over and show myself felt like the peak of courage. The moment I embraced that vulnerability there was a wave of joy that moved between my soul and my person. Being my true self has always been a challenge and this experience of overcoming fear was more powerful than words can describe,

Next came a genuine curiosity that I have been working for years to foster. I was so interested in everything. The bush, the tree, the personality of the plants. There was a connection to all of them and a genuine desire to explore without reservation of the unknown or being distracted with whether I should be somewhere else.

Having the knowledge of connecting deeply to curiosity and courage will stick with me for long after the journey.. Thank you Ehren, you have my sincere gratitude”

Testimonials - Denice Crow Clark, PHD - The SpArc

Denice Crow Clark, PHD

(Sole to Soul Therapy & Consulting)

“I had the pleasure of getting to know Ehren through a mutual training endeavor and experienced his leadership in ceremony. He is a dynamic, compassionate, and intuitive leader and coach…

His leadership style is collaborative, inclusive, and insightful. He knows how to bring together individuals and resources in a synergistic manner that results in an outcome far greater than the sum of its parts. 10/10 recommend Ehren not only for his skills and knowledge, but for his tender spirit and powerful soul.”

Testimonials - joey Lawrence - The SpArc

Joey Lawrence

My testimonial for Ehren’s offerings flow from a deep sense of gratitude. Ehren brings a lot to the table, including a huge heart, a true devotion to his spiritual path, and a longstanding commitment to professional development…

I’ve had essential experiences of learning, growth and healing under his guidance and care, opening the doorway to greater freedom, authenticity and meaning. How does one quantify the value of this? I don’t know. What I do know is my work with Ehren feels like a blessing. And I can highly recommend him as a coach and facilitator of personal discovery and inner transformation. I feel confident our work together will continue into the future

Testimonials - Meghan O'Conner - The SpArc

Meghan O’Connor

(Asheville, NC)

“I worked with Ehren during a mid-life transition and soul calling towards greater and truer alignment with my life purpose / destiny. Our collaboration started with the Compass coaching program and ended with a plant medicine journey. 

Both aspects were valuable to me and actually dovetailed nicely into an integrative growth experience. I think it’s important to have trust and rapport with whoever you are seeking help with and I easily found both with Ehren.

I can’t speak highly enough of Ehren’s skill, compassion, and knowledge as a guide while navigating difficult inner territory. It’s like he was born for this. During our work together, he was present, available, articulate, and responsive. I felt fully supported throughout my process, and I am forever grateful for the experience!”

Testimonials - Stuart Lynn - The SpArc

Stuart Lynn

(Founder & President of Lynn Group & Lynn Engineering, Texas)

“Ehren took a process that can have a lot of unknowns and uncertainties and made it very transparent and inviting. I was so impressed with his warm spirit, attention to detail, extreme knowledge…

and how he made the entire process fun. If you are looking to get to that next level in whatever area of your life, I highly recommend Ehren. You will not regret it.”

Testimonials - Becca Johnson - The SpArc

Becca Johnson

(RYT200 & Reiki Master)

“I have been drawn to ritual all my life, although I had never been introduced to Qabalah before Ehren’s Hermetic Qabalah course. Working through the material was an eye opening experience with many insightful additions that have enhanced my daily practice. 

Ehren is an incredible soul, easy to approach, well versed in the topic, and brimming with exuberant energy to share with his community. His lectures provided endless paths toward knowledge and reflection, while the ceremonies were awash with magic and mindful presence. The experience left me feeling connected with both a powerful teacher and a beautiful practice. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their spiritual journey.”

Testimonials - David Defelici - The SpArc

David Defelici

My journey was in a word; profound, both beautiful and challenging. Ehren was there in every way to guide me, with extensive pre-journey sessions and to help integrate my experiences afterward. He’s very serious about what he does and has a depth of knowledge that comes from years of study and personal inquiry…

His study of anthropology and his experience as a producer of world music festivals, gives him a unique background and multicultural perspective. I mention this specifically as these perspectives were particularly helpful to me during our integration sessions.

I have a very hard time writing testimonials because; I’m not good at it. Every time I try to start write Ehren’s, my words just sound trite and hollow. So simply stated:

Ehen is a uniquely gifted, sincere, and kind individual. He has created a space that is peaceful and serene. I cannot imagine a better person or setting to guide me through my journey. Now I consider him a brother.

Testimonials - Jess T - The SpArc

Jess T

(LMBT, MA, Wellness & Recovery Coach – Asheville, NC)

I felt drawn to work with Ehren because he is such a genuine person and leader, incredibly inspiring and uplifting. His coaching style is fluid and yet profound. He has such a gift, an empowering way with words, timing, and intuition. 

He was always extremely professional and I always left our sessions feeling seen, heard, and supported. I would recommend his services to anyone in a big life transition, struggling through a healing process, or simply needing some guidance through the layers of life work. Thank you Ehren!!”


Kaylene Mangrum

(Principal, Blue Chair Advisory)

I have struggled with depression for years and was open to trying anything that might help. From the beginning, Ehren was sincere, kind and non-judgmental. My actual psychedelic journey was pretty overwhelming, and as my guide…

 Ehren was reassuring and supportive. In retrospect, I especially appreciate that he had no ego about his role that day. He was there for as much or as little help as I needed. After about 24 hours I started to really sense the difference in my thoughts and how my body reacted  to those thoughts. Over several days, I realized that everything in my life that had felt so hard, felt easier, more doable. Though it still takes work, and is not always easy, I feel hopeful and just so grateful. It is a gift. And I’m so grateful to Ehren for encouraging and supporting me throughout this process. He has a sincere desire to help people and I would recommend him completely.

Testimonials - Chris viller - The SpArc

Chris Villar

(Founder/CEO of Baysix Life Transformation Coaching) 

I began my work with Ehren after a few diligence years of self-discovery. I had some experience with micro-dosing and was looking for a facilitator to guide me in a ceremonially rooted macrodose experience.  I really enjoyed working with Ehren.  

Our preparation sessions left me feeling prepared and excited about the journey itself and our follow up sessions left me reinvigorated about the future.  The journey (two of them, actually) really helped me solidify my transition away from some old limiting beliefs that no longer served me and toward a renewed sense of hope and excitement about the future.  I think psychedelics can help many who are on a serious path of healing, self-growth, and self-transformation.  And I truly enjoyed partnering with Ehren as I went through this process.

Testimonials - Rob Burger - The SpArc

Robert Burger

(Professional Musician & Composer)

“My experiences with Ehren were life altering. He helped guide me through the depths of my truth during a very turbulent time in my adult life.  He was kind, open hearted, wise, and thoughtful, shepherding me into a new beginning..

that helped me to cultivate an awareness I never thought to be possible.  I am grateful for these days with him and would encourage anyone considering doing inner soul work with Ehren at SpArc, to not think twice about it.”

David Payne

David Payne

(Financial Professional, Georgia)

There are no words to fully express my experience with Ehren.  From the first Zoom conversation I had with Ehren, throughout my ceremony,  and the integration sessions that followed, Ehren’s professionalism, compassion and support were evident every step of the way. 

 I was extremely anxious about the process, but Ehren helped me work through the anxiety, and helped me to look forward to my ceremony with anticipation.  Ehren, helped me to gain a trust in the process and a confidence that I would achieve the outcome I hoped for.  My ceremony was challenging and made me face my fears, and yet that was exactly the experience that I needed.  Ehren far exceeded the role of harm reduction – he guided me through a sacred and immensely meaningful experience that has set me on a journey to reclaim my life and to truly live it!

Testimonials - Susan Tuggle - The SpArc

Susan Tuggle

(Retired RN)

“I was drowning in depression.  Ideas of suicide were plaguing my thoughts.  I wanted out.  But I have grandkids who had already been heartbroken at the death of my husband, their grandfather, and I could not hurt them again by ending my own life …

so I felt trapped between what was good for them and what seemed good for me.  And nothing was helping.  Not enough anyway.  And I was quickly becoming unable to fake being ok anymore.  A series of events and conversations led me to Ehren at SpArc of Asheville and to considering using psychedelic to help me.  I wanted to do it the next day.  I was desperate.  But under Ehren’s guidance, I had to be patient.  Although this wasn’t what I wanted, it made me trust him even more, that he wasn’t willing to just jump right in.  I needed a support network in place as well as education and understanding.  Finally the day came for my “journey.”  I was nervous, of course, but ready.  Ehren guided me gently and professionally through a difficult day of releasing wave after wave of stored pain.  Mine was not a journey of wonder and beauty, but it was what I needed, and I am now on the other side, FREE OF DEPRESSION.  It’s AMAZING.  I feel like myself again for the first time in several years.  It’s an answer to prayer, and I am GRATEFUL.  I can’t imagine doing this without a guide, and Ehren was caring, knowing, professional, everything I needed for the experience.”

Erin G Testimonial;;

Erin Gilraeth

( Pilates/Dance Instructor )

Key aspects from my journey were that I was able to release some emotional pain from childhood surrounding my parent’s divorce, tell my ex-husband that I was sorry for what happened to us and that I had really loved him…

and two of the biggest revelations were that I am enough and always have been. The other revelation was that “Dance is Life”.  I had a complicated history with dance but was able to realize how important is has been to my life.  I now have “Dance is Life” tattooed on my body as a reminder and celebration of this.

Ehren and I met four times via Zoom prior to my journey and gave me a comprehensive look into what the journey could be like and things I might experience.  I felt ready the day of because I had general sense of the experience and the timeline of events.  I felt safe before, during and after my journey and would recommend this to anyone for a number of reasons.  And, I would do it again myself.

It was a powerful day and am so thankful for what came up for me during my journey so I could let some things go that I needed to let go of.  Everyone’s experience is different but going into I felt safe and ready for whatever came up.  As the months have unfolded since my journey, I continue to process the experience I had.  Things haven’t been perfect in my life but I am a more content version of myself.  

Heather G

Heather G

My name is Heather.  As I have come to a crossroad and my life of epic proportions. I was guided by a mutual guardian that brought me to Ehren.  The gravity of changes in my life has had me on a journey back to myself.  Decades of ignoring the universe and non-acknowledgment… 

 of the divine within myself, led me to the precipices in my life that I never expected. The process that Ehren guided me through in the pre-counseling led me to questions that had to be delved into via thought patterns, and introspection that I had not encountered before. His deep dive into my psyche, was thorough and revealing to myself.  Him making sure that I was going to be able to work with this process and stay in a healthy mental state. The ideas of biggest fears, my relationship with the universe, how do I serve, my connection with the environment and my core belief systems- putting all that into words for him was a first healing step for me.  Then, with his inspection of those revelations and his introspection and guidance, for how to prep my mind and body reflected his true care of me personally as a client.  His deep connections to spirit and his want to help raise the collective consciousness of the world were reflected in the information he provided upon reading my words.  His perceptions of me alone were healing.  

During the physical experience, he was there for anything I needed. I went deep into myself and found parts I forgot about and maybe I never saw before.  While mine was mainly a silent inward journey, I felt so supported and safe both physically and mentally.  Due to that safe feeling, I was able to “let go.”  This is a hard thing for me to do and without Ehren‘s safe presence I don’t know if I could’ve let go and worked through so much.  

The impact this has had on my life is palpable. I feel the changes and perspective shifts daily. I am learning to hold onto my magic and vibrations more each time I focus on it. This experience challenged how I communicate, and what I choose to focus on. His continued support, both through books and materials has helped me continue on my healing journey and taking ownership of the lessons that I bring into my life. This journey has brought clarity where there was confusion, joy where there was pain, ownership where there was blame.  My path to Ehren was one of heartbreak, but the song my heart can sing now has part of his love and light in it. I am forever grateful, peace, love, light and magic.

James Linton

James Linton

Working with Ehren has been an unimaginable progression that all began under his guidance at a Journey of Discovery (JOD) retreat, which started the process of softening my outer shell and gave me complete permission to start letting go and opening up.

After a year of continued integration work on these teachings, I was eventually being called to work with Ehren again but on a one-one basis, where I was ultimately seeking voice and surrender.

From the start, Ehren’s process was crafted with care and safety that eventually led to a journey that has had deep reaches within my identity and intuitions that I continue to integrate today. Ehren has helped me not only open-up, but he has also guided me to start showing-up in ways that are still unfolding.

I am truly grateful that my path has crossed along Ehren’s, his teachings, his wisdom and true friendship has brought a greater knowledge and sense making for me that has had a true impact on my grounding.

Thank you Ehren for your service, care and majestic wisdom ~ it has had a deep impact for me and my new path.

JTH Testimonial


( Licensed Professional Counselor )

As a Licensed Professional Counselor who understands the sensitivity of trauma and healing, I am picky about who I choose to facilitate my healing and be vulnerable with. 

I was beyond impressed with Ehren’s heart, knowledge, and competency from beginning to end. He weaves the mystic and professional world expertly. I felt safe in his care the whole way through. Out of 5 stars I would give him 6 and I highly recommend working with him.

Justin Powell

Justin Powell

Working with Ehren and The SPARC immediately brings to mind a few words; initiation, alchemy, freedom, support, home. From the preparation, to the experience, and the subsequent integration,

I felt supported at every point on my journey. Ehren’s deep, informed, and steadfast support allowed me to completely get out of my own way, providing the medicine a path to create the space needed for me to heal, and giving me strength to chart a new path in my relationships, my work, my community; and ultimately my mind, body, and spirit. I am completely changed in amazing, beautiful and wonderful ways, and Ehren and the SPARC helped show me that everything I ever needed was inside me the entire time. All I needed was the space and support to access it. I am who I truly am. What a tremendous gift



I went through the journey experience with Ehren not knowing what to expect. The experience was profound and life changing! Ehren’s support and attention to detail in the weeks prior to, during, and after the journey could not have been better.

Ehren takes his work with psychedelic facilitation very seriously, and understands its transformative power to open the mind, imagination, and heart to realms never before experienced. I am both the same and different in ways my brain cannot comprehend for having gone through the full journey experience. The landscape of my mind has changed in ways that are entirely positive. I am deeply grateful to Ehren for his loving support and deep inspiration!!

Melanie M.

M Miller

( Licensed Professional Counselor )

Ehren is one of the rare individuals on this planet who answered the call of his soul with crystalline clarity. For those of us who have been able to sail in his wake, we have been gifted with lives that are far richer than one can imagine. That is the case for me anyway.

The universe could not have chosen a more perfect person to lead us on these fantastic journeys of the mind, heart, and spirit. 

My journey has led to personal spiritual, and psychic awakenings that I never imagined!

Having dealt with depression most of my life, this was the breakthrough I needed.

As for Ehren, during the journey I felt completely, and utterly comfortable, safe, nurtured. That is saying a lot for me, because I have very strong trust issues with men. But upon seeing ‘s face in the referral, and having the first Zoom meeting with him, I knew those trust issues would not apply with him whatsoever. I don’t know if you will ever find anyone who would take better care of you! From the beautiful accommodations he provides, to the ceremonial experience, and afterwards a nice tasty meal! I was even able to take a solitary walk on the property and commune with nature afterwards, which was fantastic for me because that is my happy place. So if you’re on the fence about an experience, jump off of it.

Because my dear you will not fall, you will fly!

Tiffany Powell

Tiffany Powell

At its essence, my journey was a missing right of passage into knowing myself. An initiation into adulthood and to a deep frequency of loving wisdom, that connects and heals. Through the ceremony with Ehren my knowing of my innermost, authentic self was reawakened.

At its essence, my journey was a missing right of passage into knowing myself. An initiation into adulthood and to a deep frequency of loving wisdom, that connects and heals. Through the ceremony with Ehren my knowing of my innermost, authentic self was reawakened.   I would have never considered taking a heroic dose of psilocybin before meeting him. I now understand that it is not scary but all in how you intend to use this medicine. I further learned that this medicine is not a quick fix.  Ehren’s expert guidance taught me that the preparation, intention setting and the integration phases are just as important and beneficial if not more so than the actual ceremonial experience. However, the ceremony day stands as one of the most special moments in my life. From communing with nature and resting in the amazing SpArc space to using the frequency mat and feeling the deep somatic release accompanied by  Ehren’s expertly crafted playlist and use of sacred instruments to being enveloped by the inspirational art in this sanctuary; the Great Spirit’s presence here is palpable. 

 Through Ehren’s aura I found permission to trust and be honest with myself. Having him as a guide gave me a broader perspective and helped me formulate ideas more quickly and coherently. These benefits have created more effective communication through all my relationships, especially that with myself. After a month of diligent preparation, brilliantly guided by Ehren, I determined to enter this time with a deep desire to be made aware of any further physical healing necessary for my body after a lifetime of addictive and self-destructive tendencies. I also desired to use this experience to tangibly connect to seeing, loving and knowing my most authentic self, and how I could consistently vibrate on that frequency to let go of what was no longer serving me and to cultivate the life of my dreams. Serendipitously and ominously, two days before my ceremony the fact that my body did indeed require further physical healing was illuminated. I believe this realization occurring closely to my ceremony was no coincidence. Through this challenge I was able to find healing within three months from a condition that previously took me over a year to heal. This journey took an incredible amount of self discipline and determination. I believe my experience with Ehren helped me access all that was in me, which I needed to be successful.  Looking back on this challenging time, now seven months later, I have gained profound self confidence and self awareness. My experience with SpArc felt completely safe and supported. The benefits have been vast and long lasting. If you are considering your own sacred  journey with SpArc, don’t wait, trust the medicine and that the Great Spirit aroused this desire for a reason. Have faith in yourself and in the process, open your heart, put in the work and revel in the riches of this shared sacred wisdom. I am forever enhanced and grateful for the revelations gained, and for the friendship and community cultivated with this family through my experience.

Testimonials - Stacie (SLR) - The SpArc

Stacie ( SLR )

(S.L.R., RN, LCSW)

“As a first time journeyer, I was very nervous about what to expect, questioning my decision often. Ehren put me at ease, during the preparation stage…

with his approach educating and offering the details that I needed for my Type A brain to feel more comfortable. More importantly, his kind and gentle soul brought me peace of mind. During the experience, he was respectful, supportive and brought a loving, gentle energy, ready to provide whatever I needed. The sacred space itself was superb and inviting. My only regret is not doing this sooner! I highly recommend Ehren and cannot imagine exploring this experience in any other way! “Thank you” does not encompass the gratitude that I have for him!”

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