Who am I? What am I? How do I serve? These questions shape the heart of one’s life experience. I’m here to support you in stepping into this moment of discovery – with clarity, confidence & purpose.
Together we will curate a dynamic preparation protocol for body, mind, & spirit. When ready, with great intention & care, we will immerse into a ceremonial plant medicine initiatory journey of healing & discovery. Upon your return, we will cultivate a supportive framework to optimize your integration – using the Holistic Model for a Balanced Life. This will support the revelations & insights found while in an expansive state – providing the best opportunity for sustained embodiment.
Its my deepest honor to join you at this pivotal threshold of your Hero’s Journey. Together let’s welcome in with gratitude & celebration – a new vibrant path in your self-actualization story.
Each coaching journey begins with a Braverman Personality Assessment. The Braverman uses an extensive personality questionnaire to review memory, attention, physical state, character and personal values – to determine what neurochemical is dominant or primary in your nature. It also tracks how you react, respond, and/or create under stressful conditions to explore potential sources of deficiencies.
The four main neurotransmitters assessed are dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and Gaba. With insight from this review, we can determine a health and wellness protocol to support your growth along the coaching journey. This can include inviting new mindful modalities, shifts in nutrition, supplementation, exercise, and/or a micro-dose regimen to optimize focus, rest, flow, energy and well-being.
The SpArc coaching programs are all about creating measurable and achievable results. Yet data is only part of the picture. Each client with learning first hand how personal shifts in choice & orientation can dramatically transform your life. Yet an even more important discovery – is why those shifts are so important to the soul. Whether it’s career success, creating healthier relationships, finding more buoyancy and inner peace in the day-to-day, or a fusion of all of the above – clients are encouraged to track changes with outcomes that are SMART (See Acronym below) in their design.
Yet life isn’t all about the destination. With this fact firmly in mind, the SpArc has created a second key category where goals can be measured to ensure the integrity of our aim. What lights you up with meaning? What inspires the extraordinary in you? What are you willing to push harder for.. than you ever have in your entire life? What type of change is so core to your being that just the mere pursuit brings a state of gratitude and reverence to your life? These are the deeper questions we work toward together with our METTA goal focus. (See Acronym Below)
Specific (simple, sensible, significant)
Measurable (meaningful, motivating)
Achievable (agreed, attainable)
Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)
Meaningful (Soul Nourishing, Healing, Affirming, Your Highest Calling)
Extraordinary (Visionary, Unbound, Evolutionary, Beyond simple measure)
Tenacious (Requiring Focused, Dedicated, Resilient, & Resolved Effort)
Timeless (Journey as Instrumental as Destination)
Achievable (Agreed, Attainable)
Twice a month, I’ll be sharing with you a collection of research articles, book/audio/videos, recommendations & other vetted resources on the safe & ethical use of psychedelics – alongside insights on high performance, self-actualization and spiritual growth. Additionally, you’ll be the first to learn of exciting new opportunities to engage in services, group retreats, and events in WNC and throughout the country.
The SpArc does not provide psychoactive or controlled substances, nor are we licensed therapists, counselors, or medical professionals. Any information received through our services should be considered for educational purposes and not be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Please use your discretion to ensure our services meet your needs.
TheSparc 2025 @ All Rights Reserved.
Website designed & developed by The Brand Makkers.